How to Style MisMatched African Prints
Have you tried imagining how perfectly aligned different African prints will look in an outfit? A lot of people might consider the clash of prints cringe worthy but interestingly enough, the old rule of not pairing up different patterns together is now thankfully extinct. With the right guidance, a little knowledge and lots of practice, mismatching African prints will be effortless and chic regardless of your fashion sense.
1. Choose the Same Color From Different Prints or Different Colors of the same print.
It takes a lot of balls to flex this look but it's totally worth it. By choosing a similar color of different fabrics or choosing different colors of the same print, you flaunt your daring side while showing off a class that allows you to carry a look that most people might call a disaster.
2. Consider Black and White
Monochromes are very distinct and you can never go wrong in them. African prints in black and white are quite rare but it is the rarity that makes them stand out. Neutral colors such as gray, cream, white and beiges also give off an impressive look.
3. Pair Prints With Complimentary Colors
Complimentary colored pieces paired with Ankara prints give off a loud and unapologetic look. This is because complimentary colors are always on opposite sides of the color wheel and this combination together produces a high contrast and high impact color combination.
4. Take Advantage of Your Figure
Another great way of creating your own style is by taking advantage of your figure. You can experiment a bit with big patterns over smaller ones or motifs. It's often great if you know your basic body shape and understand the kind of patterns that will accentuate your best features.
The world has evolved and thankfully fashion is dynamic. There are so many styles currently in vogue that would have been considered a fashion blunder years back. The rules are changing and not so stiff anymore, street style has brought in a fresh wave of ideas and the magic never ends with one fabric. Zee Store is an online store mainly focused on Afrocentric clothing and accessories made with a wide array of different African prints.